Our main characteristic is offering an excellent service to our clients, with a committed group of professionals who are close to them and with a great innovation capacity concerning legal matters. We fell we are part of our clients, considering matters together and being proactive to anticipate problems.
We have correspondents in the main cities of Argentina and in cities abroad such as Montevideo, Lima, Asunción, Santiago de Chile, Miami, New York, London, Madrid, and Rome.
For this our lawyers not only have to be intellectually capable, but also creative and tenacious to obtain the best result possible for our clients, solving their problems and anticipating the solution of their future needs.
We understand the exercise of the legal profession not only as a professional practice aimed at solving problems, but also as the provision of a service allowing clients to foresee and develop their activities with guarantees regarding legal certainty, efficiency and profitability.
We are passionate about our work.
We strive for perfection at all times and for each client, ensuring that our work, our processes and our services meet the highest standards of quality.
We work in the construction of solid future relations with each client. We maintain with our clients a relationship based on transparency, confidence, mutual respect and integrity.
We are prepared to deliver quick and effective solutions in transactions of great technical complexity.
We inform and defend our clients without interference of our own or third party’s interests, paying particular attention to situations where there are conflicts of interests.
Also, the complexity of the case determines if it is entrusted to a single lawyer or to an interdisciplinary working group.
On the other hand, the departments of the different legal areas of the Firm are not closed divisions; the cooperation and interaction among the different areas leads to a permanent teamwork, so as to provide a comprehensive vision of all the matters a client can present.
There is always a senior lawyer/partner to supervise all matters of a client, so as to coordinate the management thereof, reduce costs and maintain a fluent personal relationship.